Food fortified with whey proteins

In advanced markets, we see that fortification of food and drink with protein is moving from specific small markets such as sports food to the conventional market. This move means an opportunity for manufacturers to introduce new products to this market.

Sports drinks and protein-rich snacks are now As the popularity of protein-fortified foods and beverages increases because of economic and food poverty, and growing awareness to healthy foods, brands have a duty to be creative using more advanced technologies to respond Consumers needs.

At present, especially the most common products that are rapidly entering the market for popular products. Athletes have previously used these products to get protein fast during exercise, which was key to building and maintaining muscle mass. But today, more and more people in the market are looking for these products to get more protein in their meals. But the challenge in this process is “taste“, “appearance” and “price” of these products.

 In certain markets, such as sports food, these parameters may not be a priority in the first place, but in typical food markets, taste and appearance are important to consumers and they want the products to be affordable. So when foods are fortified with protein, not only they should be healthy, nutritious and appropriate for today’s lifestyle, but their taste and appearance should not be sacrificed to high nutritional value.

One source of protein that can be used to fortify foods and beverages is whey, which is a good source of protein and has always been used in sports nutrients and baby food. But for conventional products, the taste needs to be improved, so that manufacturers can use more of it, reduce the amount of other ingredients they add to cover its bitterness, and produce products with an acceptable taste and acceptable shelf life.  The more creative producers are and the more they want to make their products taste and look better, the more raw material producers are encouraged to work on the quality of protein sources, including whey protein.

One way to improve the taste of whey protein is to use enzyme hydrolysis that can improve the quality, taste and shelf life. By using the right enzymes under controlled conditions, a combination of peptides and high nutritional value amino acids can be achieved. Some of these enzymes can also reduce the bitterness of this protein and produce an easily absorbed protein source with a good taste that can be used well in common foods and beverages.